About Us

Supplying Power with Innovation

Power Supply product is a Brand of MOTION SOLUTION.  This series was original created to provide Power source to  Motor and Drive, in the Motion Control Industry, in a Compact size Switching Mode Power Supply (SMPS) with Din Rail Mounting , to ease installation, support and maintenance.  The Series was later expanded to cater to various industries, such as Security, Automation, Machinery

The basic mission is to provide creative value engineering solution in the application of this product.

The vision is to offer the industry with a high performance, cost effective product to meet the various need, applications, turn-key project as well as system integrations, without compromising Quality.

The POWER Brand of products from Motion Solution, was the results of these experiences, understanding the Basic industries trend and need.

The company main focus is to provide a one stop solution in application requirement with its series of POWER Brand product.

Our experience Team of engineer, are capable of providing Basic Product Support and Application advice.

Our products are used in various industries such as: